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Oracle Tips by Burleson

Chapter 8 General Oracle Auditing


The audit trail captured the client identifier application context. If the user APPUSER logs in from two different places and sets the client identifier unique to each session, the actions go into the audit trail along with the client identifiers.

This concept can be applied in the application user concept. The client identifier can be set to some meaningful value such as the application user. So, if the application user CLARA issues the select query, the client identifier can be set to CLARA, which then goes into the audit trail. At the beginning of every session, the application must call

   dbms_session.set_identifier (p_app_user);

The application knows the name of the user; so it can assign the value of p_user_id variable. After that, every time the audit trail is generated, the client identifier CLARA also tags along.


So far, it has been simple; but here comes a monkey wrench into the wheel. The whole mechanism is based on two very important assumptions:

  • That the user will call the line dbms_session.set_identifier as the first task in a session.

  • That the user will supply the correct name of the application user to the packaged procedure.

The above text is an excerpt from the bestselling book: Oracle Privacy Security Auditing It's only $39.95 and has an download of working security scripts:


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