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  SQL Server Tips by Burleson

Reducing Backup and Recovery Impact

SQL Server has always offered online backup capabilities with SQL Server 2005 now offering online restoration. This capability is great because users do not have to be evicted from a database to do a backup. However, backup operations definitely come with an overhead price, so it is important that backups are scheduled during off hours, if possible, to minimize the performance hit of completing a backup. If one assumes that performing backups during off hours is not always an option, is there anything that can be done to lessen the workload impact of performing backups?

There is perhaps no greater responsibility for the database administrator than establishing proper backup and recovery plans. Although the DBA performs other important tasks, nothing approaches the critical nature of ensuring the protection of key corporate data. For this reason, great pains should be taken to ensure that a customized backup and recovery plan is put in place for each critical database. In addition, the master should ensure each customized plan is practiced on development servers to ensure each plan and disaster recovery scenario actually works. Not doing so can lead to ugly surprises if a true failure occurs.

DBAs can work hard at performance tuning and be renowned for optimizing a server, but if they are not practicing good backup strategies, they may likely be found without a job and with a tarnished reputation.

The above book excerpt is from:

High-Performance SQL Server DBA
Tuning & Optimization Secrets

ISBN: 0-9761573-6-5
Robin Schumacher  

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